What Makes Black Soap Shampoo Different?

We’ve all been there before; you walk into a department store and head for the health and beauty section. You examine a wide variety of ‘cleansing bars’ and you choose one that seems to match your needs. It usually takes a few tries before you find that one soap that really works for you.

Black-Soap-icon-300x300Have you ever stopped to look at the ingredients of this soap? You are likely to find triclosan, which can disrupt the thyroid hormone and increased exposure can contribute to the development of breast cancer. You will find fragrance, which is usually a safe word for pthalates, a chemical which can cause birth defects and liver damage.
There are so many chemicals that are used in nearly all ‘cleansing bars’ sold in stores today. One rule of thumb is that anything you put on your face you should be able to eat. If you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin! Whatever soap you use will be absorbed into your bloodstream through your skin. This is why African black soap and other natural soaps are suddenly getting more recognition today.
African Black soap (also known as Anago Soap, Alata Simena, or Ose Dudu) is created from the ash of organic materials such as plantain skin, palm tree leaves, cocoa pods, and Shea tree bark. First the leaves and bark are sun-dried and then roasted in a kettle or pot at an even, constant temperature, which is important to ensure color, texture and smell. Then water and various oils – palm oil, coconut oil, palm kernel oil (including Shea butter and cocoa pod powder) – are added to the mixture and stirred for at least a day. After that, the “soap” is left to set for two weeks to cure.

What Makes Black Soap Different:
Black soap is made with rare tropical honeys that are known for softening the skin and creating a smooth surface.
Black soap is also a natural source of vitamins A & E and iron. This helps to strengthen the skin and hair.
Black soap contains a high amount of glycerin, which absorbs moisture from the air and literally deposits it into the skin, making the skin soft and supple.
For centuries, Ghanaians and Nigerians have used black soap to help relieve acne, oily skin, clear blemishes and various other skin issues. Many swear by it for skin irritations and conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Black Soap Bodywash | Organic Herbal Hair Bodywash
Women in Africa will use black soap during pregnancy and afterwards to keep them from getting stretch marks and to protect them from dry skin that is often accompanied by pregnancy.
Black soap can also be used as a hair shampoo. The shea butter in the soap softens the hair, while the vitamins give it strength.
Men can use black soap in shaving. The high shea butter content leaves the skin smooth and protected.
African black soap is unique in that it contains no preservatives, color enhancers, or fragrances. African black soap creates a soft lather without the animal fat additives that are commonly used in soaps made in the US.
Black Soap Shampoo is good for: Acne, Eczema, Dark Spots, Dark Patches, Black Heads, Rosacea, Psoriasis

Suggested product: Black Soap Shampoo/Body Wash

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